AWS Hosting

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Securing an AWS Lightsail instance with HTTPS is a critical step after pointing the application to its domain. The process may differ slightly from that on an...

Are you looking to migrate your WordPress site hassle-free and without any technical complications? Look no further! We are excited to announce the launch of our new...

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating and restoring snapshots of AWS WordPress LightSail instances. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process step by step,...

Renew existing certificate which is due to expire – AWS Lightsail Lets encrypt SSL certificates are generally expired after 90 days of creation so need to be...

We are proud to announce the introduction of a 25% discount for all non-profit / charity organizations using our software. We hope this small gesture goes someway...

We want to start this piece by saying thank you to all the volunteers who give up their time to make in-person WordCamp’s possible. At Seahorse, we...

An ‘eventful’ year. This is how we describe 2020. I am not a native English speaker and because of this I had to think long and hard...

Here is a snippet of our main  takeaways from WCEU 2020. What a fantastic event! The WordPress community truly confirmed its place as a world leader in...

WordPress in AWS Lightsail (Bitnami AMI) # restart apache $ sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart apache # remove bitnami banner $ sudo /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/bnconfig --disable_banner 1 $ sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart...

Inadequate hosting solutions maybe harming your business. AWS is the best solution to this problem and WP on AWS is the best tool available to get your...